MEEN 364 - Dynamic Systems and Controls

I created this page while I was a teaching assistant at Texas A&M for MEEN 364, Dynamic Systems and Controls. It has been preserved in its original form.

I have setup this page to provide helpful resources to anyone who is interested, and I will occassionally add more as I come across them. None of these links are required reading, but sometimes seeing the material presented in a different format can help with understanding. These are some of the videos, websites, and PDFs that helped me learn dynamic systems and controls. Enjoy!

Recitation Notes

Supplemental Material

Here are some supplemental resources which support MEEN 364. Each bulleted item contains a link which will take you to an external page.

Introductory Control Systems

Bode Diagrams

Controls Resources

These are meant to inform and inspire, if you’re interested in the field of controls engineering.